
Women often want an abortion in order to turn the clock back, then time and time again wonder what will happen to their baby during an abortion. If this is taken into account beforehand, future grief can be diminished. A pro-life person will be your friend and meet your needs. If you want to talk call us at 250-376-4054.

Show people what an abortion is!

What happens to these babies (warning: graphic)

Your Crisis Pregnancy

Pregnancy Calendar

Women’s Health After Abortion

Is Ending the Life of

a Human Fetus Moral?

Watch the video on YouTube

Understanding the Reasons Why Women Want to Have Abortions

Human life International examines “Why Women Abort

Very few abortions are due to health reasons, rape, incest, or abnormalities: Many people think that women obtain most abortions to save their lives or physical health, for rape and incest, or to avoid birth defects. This is a fallacy that pro-abortion groups continue to cultivate.

Health Issues Surrounding Abortions

Possible complications you could have with your abortion

Pro-Life Talking Points

Human Life International

Exceptions: Is Abortion Ever Permissible?

Though only a tiny proportion of abortions in this and most other countries are due to hard cases—to save the life or health of the mother, rape, incest, and fetal deformities—pro-abortion groups portray these reasons as the norm.

Pro-Abortion Violence: Setting the Record Straight

The Media Narrative for “Pro-Life” Violence is Seriously Distorted. The fact is that abortionists and pro-choice activists are guilty of much more violence than pro-life activists.

Why Women Abort

Very few abortions are due to health reasons, rape, incest, or abnormalities: Many people think that women obtain most abortions to save their lives or physical health, for rape and incest, or to avoid birth defects. This is a fallacy that pro-abortion groups continue to cultivate.

Abusive Population Control

Population control history has been full of abuse: Since its beginnings in the 19th Century and especially since its exponential growth after World War II, the global population control movement has inflicted documented human rights abuses on millions of women worldwide.

Negative Effects of the Pill

Hormonal contraceptives have severe side-effects: Though the mainstream media and feminist groups typically present hormonal contraceptives as a boon for women, they overlook the serious side-effects reported in mainstream scientific literature.


Condoms fail for regular users: The condom is the most commonly used barrier method of conntraception in the world. Yet according to mainstream scientific sources, its efficacy has been grossly overstated by its promoters.