Other Pro-Life Organizations
People from every race, creed, and country want protection for the helpless in our society even though they might not belong to a group, they are PRO-Life.
Being Pro-Life means we support solutions to social problems that do not involve the killing of human beings.
Some of these people join together in groups by their occupation, faith, profession, race, or location. Here is a list of pro-life groups around the world:

Pro-Life Organizations by Point of View
Politics (these sites also contain valuable information on life issues: abortion, euthanasia, fetal research, personhood)
Pro-Life Organizations by Profession
Nurses: Protection of Conscience
Association of Pro-Life Physicians
Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Pharmacists: Pharmacists for Life
www.focusonthefamily.ca – Focus on the Family

Pro-Life Organizations by Age
Pro-Life Groups by Country
List of pro-life groups in countries around the world
www.lifecanada.org – Life Canada
www.prolifekelowna.com – Kelowna Right To Life
UK: Society for the protection of unborn Children
USA: www.rtl.org – Right To Life Michigan
Russians have a very long history with legalized abortion, but things are changing:
Pro-Life Organizations by Religion
Christian: Where do the Christian Churches stand?
Jewish: Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
Bahai for life (graphic picture alert)